著者: intrigeri 日付: To: A3 CC: tails-testers 題目: Re: [Tails-testers] 2.0 beta1 - The same window are on all work
(quoting publicly with permission from A3.)
A3 wrote (31 Dec 2015 16:42:36 GMT) : > OK I found. > In Applications -> Utilities -> Tweak Tool -> Workspaces.
> Change Workspaces Creation to Dynamic
> And Workspaces only on primary display to OFF > Test on Lenovo X200 with docking station
> Sees perfectly my two screens
I think you are describing the *solution* that works for you.
But I still don't know how I can reproduce the problem.
Can you please tell me how exactly I can reproduce the problem?
Don't hesitate attaching or uploading excerpts of screenshots if it
may help describing what you see.