Re: [Tails-testers] Some criticism about the 2.0 beta


著者: intrigeri
To: Yui Hirasawa, sprick
CC: tails-testers
題目: Re: [Tails-testers] Some criticism about the 2.0 beta

meta: as said earlier on this mailing-list, I'll try to focus on the
specific problems you're experiencing, that we can maybe do something
about on the short term. Even if addressing them is not my
top-priority right now, thanks for sharing more general comments about
your experience with GNOME Shell too. I can't say I'm very surprised
it doesn't please everybody.

Yui Hirasawa wrote (25 Dec 2015 17:06:29 GMT) :
> # Compiz

I assume you mean the graphical animations provided by GNOME
Shell, right?

> This is just horrible. Why would you have it on by default?
> It will make Tails perform very badly on older computers and
> even on newer ones it will cause some lag.

Which exact animations are slow in your experience? I think we can
easily disable some of them.

Also, it would be good to get more information about what exact
hardware such problems arise on: such problems are generally Linux
kernel or X.Org video drivers problems that can be fixed, rather than
GNOME Shell bugs per-se. Filing detailed bug reports with WhisperBack,
and asking frontdesk to forward them to me, would help :)

> It also makes me and very likely other users dizzy.

I'm sorry it feels that bad for you. Let's come back to it once we
have addressed the above points: I suspect that addressing them will
also address this one at the same time.

Note that such animations have usability advantages in my opinion:
seeing a smooth transition from state A to state B conveys better what
is happening, than having state A brutally turn into state B with no
transition at all. I don't want to enter this debate too much right
now, but I figured it would be useful to let everyone know that we're
not merely discussing 100%-subjective aesthetics.

> # GNOME shell

[snipping stuff that, I think, is not actionable on the short term]

> Also having an option for more
> keyboard driven DE/WM would be nice for powerusers and
> especially those of us who only have the thinkpad nipple as
> our mouse.

Can you please have a look at the list of actions accessible with
keyboard shortcuts in GNOME Shell, and let us know what exact action
you are missing? It may be that it's easy to add support for it :)

> # i2p

> Still no boot option to boot with i2p on in the grub menu?

We should have it (
once we have the new Greeter.

> Here is a log of our chats on #tails.

> [...]

> <sprick> Just getting a new identity from Vidalia now means having to make 5 clicks,
> which made connecting to this very server a pain due to its blocking of exit nodes
> [...]
> <sprick> SweTai: You have to the click the icon on the bottom to bring up the little
> menu, right click the Vidalia icon (after move you mouse on to it), and then click
> new identity
> [...]
> <sprick> SweTai: I had to change a setting in gnome-tweak-tool to get the icons back there. That's weird.
> <sprick> Maybe just a bug

I don't understand this one: here, I can do this on Tails 2.0~beta1 in
exactly the same way as I can on Tails 1.8.1, and another user on the
log you're posting confirms this. So perhaps we're not looking at the
same screen, or maybe there is a bug or some misunderstanding.

=> what are these 5 clicks exactly? I've no idea what is "the icon on
the bottom".

I stopped reading the log when it turned into a very broad discussion
about GNOME Shell and Tails strategy. If there were specific,
actionable bug reports to be found later on, then I would appreciate
if someone extracted them for me. Thanks!
