著者: elouann 日付: To: Tails localization discussion 題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr][pull] Annonce de sortie de la 1.7
Hi sajolida,
sajolida: > elouann:
>> Hi,
>> the branch from Atomike was reviewed, please merge from Atomike, branch
>> "elouann-translation-1.7".
> I'm not sure this works:
> +msgstr "[[Notes de version|news/version_1.7/index.fr.html]]"
> Shouldn't it be instead:
> +msgstr "[[notes de version|news/version_1.7]]"
You're right, this is now fixed in a7b2287
> And also please merge again master and there's some conflict right
> around there.
Done, in 308a004.
Please merge from elouann, the branch "from-atomike-1.7"