> sajolida:
>>>> Keyboard
> while other OS (for example OS X [1] and
> Windows) consistently use "Keyboard layout".
In use Apple has 'Keyboard' and in documentation they have 'Keyboard
Layout' since they are referring to this [0].
Windows uses 'Keyboard Layout' in both.
> "keyboard" is not specific enough as it could also mean
> "keyboard hardware"
I agree.
> So I'm really in favor of using the industry
> standard for this one which can't hurt.
But it can hurt; in the same way that 'Keyboard Language' does, which
isn't fully inclusive and therefore isn't accurate and causes *some*
'Keyboard' seems most suitable but I am all for 'Keyboard Layout' :)
> I won't do any myself :)
>>>> Split keyboard variant
See attached [1]. Lunar's suggestion is good but within a pop over
dialog we need something more simple. I am proposing a disclosure
triangle to hierarchically order these lists.
>>>> Formats
> Yes, sorry people used "American" to mean "US". They refer to MDY.
I wasn't sure how to label this since we are still using 'English (US)'
for language, yeah? Maybe use 'English UK' since UTC is around there
(Greenwich and all)? Or maybe there is a more universal standard? IDK.
The default text language will affect the default format so we will need
to address this at some point if we want DMY.
>>>> Help Button
> First, regarding methodology: we're not doing statistics here and we
> don't need statistically reasonable sample sizes to detect problems and
> propose solutions. Otherwise we'll never get there :) UX testing is
> more
> about opening your eyes to things that you didn't see before than doing
> stats.
Design is science. We do need reasonable sample sizes otherwise we have
nothing to stand on when asked why, especially with something as
subjective as "help".
> In this particular case
The 09a2cca Greeter displays 'Language (i) Default Settings'.
The ac2b346 Greeter displays 'Language & Region (i)' which unburies the
help button.
If you tested the latter of these two options then I propose this [2].
The issue might be with '(i)' not translating to 'Help' in peoples
minds. This proposal changes '(i)' to 'Help', though it also removes
the finer context as it is no longer section specific.
It is up to you to decide between the two locations/occurrences :)
> https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/6284
> https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/network_connection
Thanks :)
> I'm not sure it's realistic to be ready for the freeze in two weeks,
> and
> it's not mandatory..
> We could instead aim at releasing the new Greeter in 2.2 (March 8).
I won't test then. Greeter is all good for 2.0, though I might be
poking around with the section item icons. I will bother Alan about
[1]: Greeter.Language.&.Region.png
[2]: Greeter.Help.Button