[Tails-ux] [Tails - Bug #10471] Fix PCB placement on Tails l…


著者: Spencer
To: tails-ux
題目: [Tails-ux] [Tails - Bug #10471] Fix PCB placement on Tails logo

> flapflap:
> IMO the placement of the pins should be fixed but I wouldn't
> change the pin lengths if it leads to the inner two not being possible
> to be seen (if only the outer ones are visible, I fear people might not
> recognise it correctly)

Okay. I didn't have time, yet, to do the promised comparison but I

> sajolida:
> I found the original idea of fixing the placement of the pins a funny
> bug and I was not against people fixing it. Now, I'm quite strongly
> opposed to changing more than that in the current drawing; which is
> basically the position of *one* stroke (or five with the pins).

No worries. There is no obligation to change anything. However, here
[0] is the polished Tails logo, should you change your mind. It is just
an upgrade to what we have here [1].

> I think it would be a mistake to change the logo (after only 1.5 year
> of
> use) to something that will make people go. "Hmm, they change the logo.
> What's going on?"

I do not think people will think this :)

> We're talking here about "brand" and "marketing" if
> you want, and I don't want to change it just for more "technical
> correctness" on the picture.

No worries, though this is a self-conflicting POV.

> Anyway a technically correct USB stick
> would never smile, right?

It would, or frown, as seen in the attached document [0], as the
impression is a mechanical fastening technique to hold in the
ever-shrinking boards; nano size USB sticks use this approach.

We should polish what we have instead of starting over and changing the
branding. Maybe 2.0 is an appropriate time.


[0]: TailsLogo-USBGuy.png
[1]: https://tails.boum.org/contribute/how/promote/material/