Re: [Tails-dev] Windows 10 theme for Tails/Jessie

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Autor: Christian Medel
Data: 2015-10-27 18:39 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Windows 10 theme for Tails/Jessie
Wow! what an extension, it looks perfect!

I'll have a try at it right now.

By the way I had a try at applying the theme in the latest TAILS ISO and
this is the result :

Preview of Windows 10 on TAILS latest testing version

*note : GNOME-SHELL theme didn't change nothing*

Also, Murrine engine is needed for the gtk 2 apps to have a decent look,
otherwise they look like win95

2015-10-27 13:39 GMT-04:00 anonym <anonym@???>:

> Christian Medel:
> > Hi,
> >
> > so I tried the Terminal stuff, no result. Maybe I'll have to rewrite some
> > code for it to work with SHELL.
> >
> > About the taskbar I meant a Window-list applet but with just the app
> icon,
> > no text.
> What about this GNOME extension:

> It reportedly works for Debian Jessie's version of GNOME, i.e. 3.14, and
> from my 1 minute investigation (mostly looking at the screenshot), it
> looks perfect for our needs.
> If you can make it work with your theme, we should be able to package it
> for Debian so it can be included in Tails.
> Cheers!
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*Christian Medel Ahumada*