Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter revamp: prototype time?

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Autore: Alan
Data: 2015-10-27 15:52 -000
To: tails-ux
Oggetto: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter revamp: prototype time?
On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:47:24 +0100
Lunar <lunar@???> wrote:

> Alan:
> > I just published a first prototype at
> >
> Cool. :)


> Some feedback:

In this discussion, I'd like to know what are long-term
questions/poposals and what are things that we want to have fixed in
the prototype that will be tested during our user test session.
For the last ones, we should reach a quick consensus

> Not sure how this is relevant: when I click on “Text language”, the
> pop-over has an arrow pointing at the relevant line in the settings.
> Fine, but the arrow is currently pointing to the middle of the line,
> which is right empty. I wish it would be pointing at something but the
> value is on the right and might be simply too far. Dunno.

It is possible to make the arrow point where we want. We just have to
decide. I don't think that this must be done before the user tests.

> Is “Language” as the title for the first part a good word? Timezone
> selection is not really language…

We could have "Region" or "Localization". Do we want to change that
before the user tests?

> The text says “Custom settings” but if I manually select the default
> settings again it keeps telling me this is custom. Given that we give an
> indication that they are custom, it feels an action that would take me
> back to the defaults is missing. All and all, I'm not sure how useful
> this is. The defaults for locale settings are likely wrong for almost
> all users unless they don't care about their timezone but live in the
> US.

Perhaps we could drop this label. Should it be done before the user

> I am happy about the encrypted storage prompt except that the lock icon
> should probably not appear when no storage is configured. Nothing is
> encrypted at this point.

Easy. Should we do that before the user tests?

> I have doubts about the “Save Privacy Changes” as it is now regarding
> network related settings. The fact that I need to disable MAC Address
> spoofing or use Tor bridges is going to depend mostly on the network I'm
> connecting to. The thing I would want to save is “I need to hide that
> I'm using Tails (as much as possible)” though.

I'm very unsure about this "save privacy changes" setting either...
Anyway it won't be implemented soon. Perhaps we remove it from the
version shown during user tests?

> Why are “Password” and “Verification” buttons in the administrative
> password pop-over? Shouldn't they be labels?

Good question. I'm not even sure they are useful, provided that we have
a background text in the entry. Spencerone, what do you think?

> The mouse movements when adding Privacy Settings feel akward. Moving to
> dialog to pop-over is quite weird.

I agree, and had another similar report. Proposal: have the settings
first editable in the "Add setting" dialog (which would have the same
content as the popover then), with "Apply" and "Cancel" and
"Back" buttons.

Then, further editing of these settings would happen in the popover.

Spencerone, do you have an advice on that?

Do we think this should be fixed before user testing?

> I'm not entirely convinced by the +/-
> thing but maybe I could get used to it.
> The “+” button should disappear when all options have been added,
> otherwise the dialog is blank.

Right. I'll could do that before the user tests as thin looks like a

> Also I can't cancel the dialog once it has been opened, but maybe it's a
> window manager thing. At least, pressing Escape should close it.

You can cancel it with the "X" button in the title bar. I can add Escape
key handling.

> I'd love to see a map for the timezone selection. Someday, though.

Great idea, but I won't do that soonish!

> I think the keyboard navigation really needs to be improved. When the
> window appears, I'd like to press enter and see the “Text language”
> search appear. I should then be able to type “Fra” followed by enter to
> select French. This should move me directly to select keyboard and
> everytime I press enter get moved to the next setting.

Right. I'll do this before user tests.

> Also, in the previous greeter, other locale related fields had
> preselection depending on the language that was selected. Is this
> something that we want to also have here?

Yes, it's planned, but was not easy to implement in the prototype.

> The passphrase should be erased from memory as soon as the persistence
> device is unlocked. Currently if I click “Lock” the passphrased appears
> again.

Right. I'll fix this.

To sum up what to do with these feedbacks:

* things I'll fix before user tests:
- fix basic keyboard navigation
- hide the "+" button when all privacy settings are added
- hit Escape to close add setting dialog
- erase passphrase after unlocking

* things that we need to discuss/decide if we want to change before user
- UX of adding privacy setting

* things that we need to discuss furether and doesn't look urgent:
- “Language” section label
- “Custom settings” label in language section
- remove the lock icon from "Configure encrypted storage" button?
- remove/hide "save privacy changes" checkbox
- "Password" and "Verification" buttons in "Administrative password popover"
- popover arrow position

Please share you thoughts about this list.
