[Tails-ux] Network Popover (was: Privacy Popovers)

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Lähettäjä: Alan
Vastaanottaja: tails-ux
Vanhat otsikot: [Tails-ux] Privacy Popovers
Aihe: [Tails-ux] Network Popover (was: Privacy Popovers)

Spencer <spencerone@???> wrote:
> We need to decide if 'Network Configuration' needs a more representative
> switch label; 'On'/'Off' isn't very clear.
> We need to decide to what extent people can configure bridge, firewall,
> and proxy settings while in the 'Network Configuration' section of the
> Greeter. The popover for 'Network Configuration' (in the attached
> image) is not as functional as it needs to be and knowing more will help
> resolve the issues. However, if desired, for now, we can easily have
> the two button options like in the current Greeter.

The two lines of yes/no buttons doesn't seem clear to me at all. What
about two lines with a check mark for the active one, as in the
attached image?
