[Tails-project] Fwd: [Festival] Save the Date!🌴You're invite…

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Autor: intrigeri
Data: 2015-10-20 09:00 -000
A: tails-project
Assumptes nous: Re: [Tails-project] Save the Date! You're invited to the IFF
Assumpte: [Tails-project] Fwd: [Festival] Save the Date!🌴You're invited to the IFF🌴

Hey everyone,

The rumors were true! The Circumvention Tech Festival will be back in
Valencia (Spain) from the 1st to the 6th of March, 2016.

Evolution by community feedback

We’ve heard you and implemented your feedback –thank you :)– to try and
design an event that is meaningful, productive and –also very important–
all around amazing fun times.


    First of all, the Circumvention Tech Festival will, from now on, be
    known as the *Internet Freedom Festival*. This name change widens
    the scope of the festival and makes it easier to be translated in
    different languages.


    Also, we will not be hosting huge flagship events, but rather have
    various tracks that will consist of sessions, workshops and
    hackathons proposed by participants.


    Last, but not least, IREX team will be leading logistics this year.

Keep in mind that the IFF is a tool made by the community for the
community, so please keep sharing your feedback to ensure it’s what you
want in an event.

We need your help!

The festival is only a few months away, and we need community help for
the following tasks:


    Tracks Currently, we have the following tracks, but let us know if
    we are missing any tracks you would like to see represented. They
    include:  1) Usability, 2) Advocacy, Policy & Fundraising, 3)
    Community & Outreach, 4) Diversity, 5) Gender, 6) Journalism &
    Media, 7) Training & Best Practices, and 8) Tools & Technology. 


    Track Leads In addition, we need people to coordinate and help
    shepherd the various tracks. You will both help select the sessions,
    and provide guidance to hosts to ensure sessions are collaborative.
    If you are interested in being a “track shepherd”, please let us know.


    Partners & FriendsHaving various organizations and groups
    represented is essential to ensure that we have an event where
    exchange of ideas and help happens. Monetary contributions are not
    necessarily a must, you could donate resources - for example your
    much valued time or expertise.


    VolunteersWe wouldn’t dream of putting further burden on you because
    we know how overworked all of you are. We need diverse types of
    volunteers for a variety of tasks ranging from nightlife
    coordination, to Internet setup, to crafting a daily newspaper. If
    you are interested, please reach out to us as soon as possible.

    HOWEVER, what if we told you that working with the festival team
    will involve ponicornsand glitter? (Ask Sandy to know more about
    this amazing opportunity)


Reserve your spot

Attendance is limited! Don't wait for the last minute to register:

Find us on the Internetz!

Visit and share our new website (https://internetfreedomfestival.org/)
and stay up to the latest updates through Twitter
(https://twitter.com/internetff) and our mailing list

We can’t wait to see everyone in Valencia and make 2016 the best
festival yet.


The Internet Freedom Festival Team.*

Pepe Borrás, Internet Freedom Festival Director
@InternetFF | www.internetfreedomfestival.org
@PepeBorras | www.pepeborras.com

Festival mailing list
