[Tails-ux] Language Popovers [was: Greeter revamp: prototype…

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Autor: Spencer
Data: 2015-10-12 15:24 -000
A: tails-ux
Assumptes vells: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter revamp: prototype time?
Assumpte: [Tails-ux] Language Popovers [was: Greeter revamp: prototype time?]

On 10/07/2015 15:23, Alan wrote:
> Hi,
> Spencer <spencerone@???> wrote:
>> > Alan:
>> > I think it's mature enough, and it's now time to implement a prototype
>> > including at least a working UI
>> > (https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7550)
>> > so that we can do UI tests (https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/8238).
>> >
>> > Thoughts?
>> I agree :)
> OK I'll start that next week.
>> How is this being built?
> I'll use glade (https://glade.gnome.org/) and Python
> (https://www.python.org/) with PyGI (
>> How long will this take?
> One or two days of work I think, but a credible ETA is a few weeks.
>> What kind of support is needed?
> I may have questions but we already have most of the answers for the
> base. Changing details is going to be easy anyway
>> I think we need to work through the popovers, though,
> Right, details on that would be welcome.
>> unless you already have.
> I can copy the one from previous prototypes to start with if we don't
> have all of the popovers worked out yet.


>> Spencer:
>> How is this being built?
> Alan:
> I'll use glade (https://glade.gnome.org/) and Python
> (https://www.python.org/) with PyGI (

Fun. I will take a look :)

>> How long will this take?
> One or two days of work I think, but a credible ETA is a few weeks.


>> What kind of support is needed?
> I may have questions but we already have most of the answers for the
> base. Changing details is going to be easy anyway


>> I think we need to work through the popovers, though,
> Right, details on that would be welcome.

Attached [0] is an example of how the full 'Language' section popover
dialog contents could appear.

A decision needs made on the listing order. In the example [0], the
languages are ordered by their Native/Cultural name with the relevant
localized name parenthetically following. When a language preference is
selected, the list order can either:

- Update to the selected language preference with the native/cultural
name parenthetically following: 'Cultural(Localized)' turns into
'Localized(Cultural)' (as shown in the attachment).

- Do nothing: 'Cultural(Localized)' stays 'Cultural(Localized)' though
the localized language updates to the selection.

Updating the list order is what would be expected from people, since
they just established their language preference. Not updating the list
keeps code simple (I presume) and simplifies the mental model (though it
is maybe less clear to interact with).

The 'Language' section function is to update all listed options when the
'Text Language' is changed. Each following option is individually
changed without auto updating the others. Please confirm the
correctness of this function presumption :)

Also, this uses an exhaustive list but without addressing dialects.

If this is okay, I will move on to the 'Privacy' popovers and have those
for you in a day.


[0]: Greeter.Language.png