Re: [Tails-dev] Typo fixes for Warnings doc page

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Autor: Jesse W
Data: 2015-10-11 18:23 -000
A: sajolida
CC: tails-dev
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Typo fixes for Warnings doc page
On Sun, 2015-10-11 at 16:29 +0000, sajolida wrote:
> Jesse W:
> > I made some typo fixes to the Warnings doc page. The branch is available
> > here:
> Cool! Thanks a lot for all the fixes, as most of us are not native
> English speakers that's a very precious way of contributing.

That makes sense. Sadly, I only speak English, so I can't help with
translations -- but I'm glad to help with non-native English fixes.

> Also, this
> page is one of the oldest on the website and the style is a bit rough. I
> wish I had more time and could give it some more love [1].
> So I cherry-picked f6a5cc7 and applied it on the website.

Wonderful, thanks for the VERY quick turnaround!

> Still, I
> didn't want to merge your whole branch because of 73fb7c5. I prefer
> limiting rewrapping to the minimum as it breaks the Git history.

OK, that certainly makes sense. I'll add a note to the documentation
help page specifying that unnecessary rewrapping is not wanted, so
people don't do it accidentally.

> [1]:
> > I am not (yet) subscribed to this list (although I will check the
> > archives), so feel free to CC me on any replies.
> Cced!

Thanks. I've now joined the list, so CC'ing is no longer necessary.