> Alan:
> Looks nearly perfect to me. A few comments through:
> - I'd prefer the "Here you can check and modify..." text to be
> justified to align with the comments below
> - once added, I though the privacy settings could be edited with a
> popover, as the language settings are. I'm thus not sure of the usage
> of the "-" button. What do you think?
Yeah. Pop over is great. I figured the flow would go something like
this: People would click the '+' and select a setting from a pop over.
Then people would activate the setting by selecting its list item and
selecting an option from a pop over. The '-' button is consistent with
GNOME 3 as a way to remove the individual settings.
> - I'm not sure that the "i" in a circle is clear enough as a help
> button.
I agree. Help isn't needed in the welcome text since it would link to a
more involved account of the task, yeah? Also, since the sections do
need documentation links, we could use circled question marks(?), since
info is the outcome of an inquiry. Full text could crowd other
However, we could use a link to the introduction for those gifted a
Tails device. The welcome text seems like a reasonable location.
'Learn More' seems appropriate as text, though it isn't included due to
temporary uncertainty.
Attached[0] is the document with the respective updates.
>> The only question I have here is should we de-emphasize the 'Start
>> Tails' button in the Guided Configuration flow (as shown in the
>> attached
>> image)?
> Alan:
> Perhaps we should make this button inactive or perhaps even not show
> it before the end of the Guided Configuration.
Inactive makes the most sense.
[0]: Greeter.States.png