[Tails-ux] Greeter mockups/testing

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Autor: Alan
Data: 2015-09-11 21:03 -000
A: tails-ux
Assumptes vells: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter mockups
Assumpte: [Tails-ux] Greeter mockups/testing

sajolida <sajolida@???> wrote:
> Alan:
> > I will refine the design we proposed with spencerone according to your
> > feedback so that it is ready to test.
> Super cool! I won't interfere with your process and let you polish it to
> your taste.

Would you throw a quick look to our last proposal [1] to see if it
addresses your concern about privacy options not being shown upfront?

1: https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-ux/attachments/20150910/550fa30e/attachment-0001.png

> Ok, so do you think we can do user testing on software mockups, then?
> Without doing a full implementation nor getting into the more
> time-consuming details? That would be awesome!

Yes. I'll need to know the level of interaction expected from the
prototype, though.

> >> I would be very interested in attending these sessions and
> >> could probably do so in November around the dates proposed by intrigeri
> >> for the second Jessie sprint. But otherwise you can maybe get anyone
> >> else from tails-dev or tails-ux to help you out and do it earlier.
> >
> > I won't organize this testing session myself.
> I'll propose you something this fall. We have to meet to work on our
> common roadmap for 2016 anyway.

