Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter design proposal rationale


著者: Alan
To: tails-ux
題目: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter design proposal rationale

spencerone@??? wrote:
> > Alan:
> > I think that there is a misunderstanding. If you mean the [Enable] text
> > in, I think it refers to an icon you would click to enable the
> > storage.
> I am. It says "A context menu enables to "show passphrase", "copy", and
> "paste" as in GNOME OpenPGP agent". I do not see the value in enabling
> storage with an 'Enable' button. And I thought, based on the
> accompanying sentence, that text buttons appeared, specifically 'Show
> Passphrase', 'Copy', and 'Paste', but two of these didn't seem valuable
> as buttons.
> Should there be an 'Enable' button?

Not at all.
> >>
> >> 1. If 'Language' is not grouped with 'Privacy' then they should not
> >> resemble each other (though tchou has some thoughts on still grouping
> >> them with 'Language' ordered first).
> >
> > I don't agree. The design you proposed before is coherent with GNOME3
> > design, while the one-liner:
> >
> > - looks strange to me
> > - is far less clear about which line is what
> >
> You don't agree with the designation of a one-line language section, no
> worries. It updates what Tails currently has in 1.x and saves valuable
> space while also dedicating the appropriate amount of real estate based
> on its function and use.
> However, I do not see how longer text can be accommodated for without
> truncating stuff in the one-liner, which is no good; horizontal space is
> equally valuable.

Looks like we can agree, great!

> > Please see the attached proposal.
> >
> > These two proposals reintroduce things that we dropped in the
> > previous process, with good reasons I think.
> >
> This is beautiful! Three distinct sections for three distinct functions
> all rolled up into one; king's cross.


> The only issue I have is with the Storage section. I thought there was
> a security issue with visually acknowledging the presence of storage and
> that we were always filling storage as a protection.

This is not the case yet, but may become the case in the future. Sorry
if I made you think that we should design for this case right now.

> This would mean
> that the 'Configure Encrypted Storage' button state would be displayed
> always, in which case the text could read: 'Configure or Unlock
> Encrypted Storage'.

I think that we should reconsider the UI if the change is made in the
future, but we should not base our design on something that is not
planned yet.

> If there is still conflicting objection within the one vs two dialog
> Greeter, I can throw this and the two-pager (with relevant updates seen
> here) into a clickable .pdf; let me know.

I don't understand your question. I'd like that we agree on one design,
and test this one. I attempt to make it, and would live refinements.

Additional note: on the SVGs you provided me, the text was not
editable, so I had to add new texts everywhere (with the wrong font).
Would you please see if you have an option to produce SVGs with real
text, and share your font?
