Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter mockups

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Auteur: Alan
Date: 2015-09-10 14:15 -000
À: tails-ux
Sujet: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter mockups

sajolida <sajolida@???> wrote:
> Alan:
> > sajolida <sajolida@???> wrote:
> >>>> To me, no strong enough evidence against this collective stand was
> >>>> raised in this thread. And I'm thus surprised to see that this was not
> >>>> taken into account by these designs: all options are displayed upfront
> >>>> by default.
> >
> > You mean that you think that there were an agreement not do display
> > "advanced" of "privacy" settings by default?
> In the thread we had in March, yes, I think that there was a clear
> agreement on hiding the advanced settings by default.

OK. It wasn't clear to me. See my other email for a proposal.

> >>>> My personal take on this is that we should take it easy, come up with
> >>>> something that's simple, classic, as little controversial as possible,
> >>>> and easy to implement. Then test it and see how it does. I would also
> >>>> be in favor of testing stuff on paper first but I feel like Alan is
> >>>> dying to type some code; which is great!
> >>>>
> >>> I'm not against it, but:
> >>>
> >>> - I start to be tired of waiting and discussing again and again on
> >>> details
> >>> - we refine things since already more than one year, had already at
> >>> least two proposals that were nearly validated then changed again
> >>
> >> Personally I've seen more "questioning" than "refining".
> >
> > Unfortunately, all the people that are into design that I interact with
> > seem to question everything all the time, which leads to nice
> > proposals, but take shit loads of time and energy. Cultural difference
> > I think.
> The solution is to not go into endless discussion loops like we're doing
> but actually test more with users and earlier. All the designs that were
> proposed already (the one we did together, the one by tchou, and the one
> you did with spencerone) should have been tested on paper with 5-10
> people and we would have tons of very useful feedback from this, less
> discussion loops, and stronger decisions. But I agree that I was not
> putting energy into this myself neither so I'm not blaming anybody.

I will refine the design we proposed with spencerone according to your
feedback so that it is ready to test.

> >> If you're ready to do that, I'm fine with implementing whatever solution
> >> you currently prefer. Then, let's also schedule a user testing session.
> >
> > I will implement something only if at least the people into the
> > discussion think that it's worth it. Currently I feel like I took a lot
> > of energy to work openly with spencerone to arrive to the best proposal
> > and it basically failed. So if you want to take over, be welcome, but
> > don't expect me to put as much energy as I did within the last months
> > with it.
> Honestly, if you're ok to wait some more months before jumping to the
> code, or if you tell me that coding a first software mockup will take
> you not much more than one day of work, then I think we should test your
> design as soon as possible and with as little implementation work behind
> as possible.

I think this is possible.

> I would be very interested in attending these sessions and
> could probably do so in November around the dates proposed by intrigeri
> for the second Jessie sprint. But otherwise you can maybe get anyone
> else from tails-dev or tails-ux to help you out and do it earlier.

I won't organize this testing session myself.

> If you are not ready to wait for user testing before coding the whole
> thing, that's fine with me and I'll be exciting to have something
> implemented but we might end up having bad surprises later on down the
> road and waste some of your coding time.

I think we lost too much time already - I prefer to wait.
