Re: [Tails-dev] jenkins.t.b.o and nightly.t.b.o downtime

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Autor: bertagaz
Data: 2015-09-04 13:44 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] jenkins.t.b.o and nightly.t.b.o downtime
Hi again,

On Fri, Sep 04, 2015 at 10:27:45AM +0200, bertagaz wrote:
> Due to some infra change (#9597), and
> will be down for some (hopefully short) time
> today.
> Progress will be tracked on the ticket, if you're in need of one of
> them, have a look there.

So at the moment jenkins.t.b.o is back online.

I'm doing the first test to see if the infra change goes well.

I had to merge my 'feature/9597-jenkins-share-artifacts-between-jobs`
branch in stable and then in every branch that is being worked on since
the last release (that is eligible to the automated builds), as this
infra change brings some in the `vagrant/provision/assets/build-tails`
script that thus need to be merged everywhere.

So people, if you intend to push a new branch or refresh an old
one, please first merge back its base branch in it.

I met conflicts in two branches:
test/5847-fix-global-vs-class-variables-issue and

I'm not very sure about the way I resolved them, so it the author of
this branch can have a look that'd be great. I hope I didn't break
