[Tails-dev] An idea

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Autor: gil.guillot
Data: 2015-09-04 11:49 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: [Tails-dev] An idea

Here below, an idea for you, the dev team ;)

Long live to Tails !

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: tails-bugs@???
To: "gil guillot" <gil.guillot@???>
Sent: Thursday, 3 September, 2015 11:01:32 AM
Subject: Re: Bug report "laptop on battery"


> I had an other idea for another subject : When you click on the
> "shutdown immediately" button, it could be "safe" to had a
> confirmation box telling "Do you really want to shutdown Tails ? Yes
> or Not" because all data in the session is cleared unlike windows and
> other OS which people are used to.

For such ideas, you should better send it to tails-dev@???.

We only deal with proper bugs here.
