> sajolida <sajolida@???> wrote:
>> Alan:
>>> Would someone knowledgeable please package:
>> I don't have the skills to package this but I would be happy to test it
>> in Tails or elsewhere. How can I do that?
> Clone the git, then follow the instructions in README. Don't hesitate
> to ask if something is unclear.
So did I. The README was enough :)
It looks really great! It simple but does the job.
Still, I have a few comments:
A. Sorting of the circuits
Do you do any sorting on the circuits? The list of circuits is pretty
long and maybe putting the ones in use first, or sorting them by the
last one used would prevent having to scroll in most cases.
B. Domain names
You told me in #9579 that you didn't know how to display domain names in
stead of IP addresses. Well, the good news is that you're doing that
already :) See domain-name.png in attachment. The thing is the domain
name is *replaced* by the IP almost immediately. Why does this happen?
I'm adding this info to #9579.
C. Duplicate information
In the list of circuits I sometimes see duplicated lines. For example
when connecting to heavy websites like YouTube. See duplicates.png in
attachment. Why not deduplicate these lines?
If you agree with me I can create a ticket to track this.