[Tails-dev] For you


著者: Sergey Tyshchenko
日付: 2015-08-25 15:23 -000
To: tails-dev
題目: [Tails-dev] For you
for you





            Hello, My name is Sergey, I propose you cooperation. We are a creative company in the development and creation of unique products for decoration - to design buildings IDENTIKA.PRO. We''re specialized on decoration of shops, petrol station, cafe, fast food restaurants, and retail franchises.We are interested at long-term cooperation with you. We propose a good environment to work with partners.Examples of our work http :http://identika.pro/counter_link/counter.php?click=presentation_enI propose You to become our partner in your area.Let us know about your decision















             Examples of our work http :http://identika.pro/counter_link/counter.php?click=presentation_en





            Sergey TyshchenkoCEO | IDENTIKA.PROViber: +380505566965 | WhatsApp: +380505566965Skype: t.sergey.ms.tyshchenko@??? | www.identika.pro03040 | Golosiivskyi Ave. 70 | office 502 | Kiev