[Tails-ux] Greeter Wizard

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Autor: spencerone
Data: 2015-08-19 23:53 -000
A: tails-ux
Assumptes vells: Re: [Tails-ux] Greeter mockups
Assumpte: [Tails-ux] Greeter Wizard

My apologies for the repost, and the delay in posting, there was a
week-long delay in posts to all lists on the site, though things seem to
be recovered :)

>> sajolida:
>> But once we have this, I'm very confident that we can continue
>> building up on the more detailed work that you have been doing so far
>> as it's great and then the final result will be rock solid!
> Alan:
> If we really don't agree about the current proposal (which I really
> think is the best), we can
> - add some kind of drawer as described in the above mentioned email
> in question 6, that would be only for privacy settings

This option would still mean two-click access, and the vertical spacing
is somewhat limited. A dedicated page is a more suitable alternative.

> - always display settings that diverge from defaults to "Feedback to
> the user which options are going to be used" (#8974).

This option doesn't provide the main benefit of displaying info: the
'Check & Go' function, or the minor benefit of displaying info: the
educational function. Also, this is an added setting, one to activate
settings, and we might benefit from avoiding "add[ing] extra settings
that would split the anonymity set, need documentation, and so on".

> The drawbacks of this would be that it conflicts with one of our goals
> that were discoverability of the interface, that was one of the
> criteria that spencerone has to judge if an interface is good.

The thing is, there are only two approaches remaining based on all of
the acknowledged constraints, each missing one function the other has.
The first is to display the more technical settings on the first screen,
as proposed here[0]. The second, which might not be the most suitable
approach, is to display the more technical settings on a dedicated page.
The issue here is the fragmentation of settings ('Language' should be
grouped with 'Privacy' settings) and the time needed to redesign the
first screen to only have 'Storage', which, although minimal, doesn't
address the short-term needs of foreign language speakers (until we
implement an auto-detect), but I am happy to do if needed.

• For this phase, 'Language' should be on the first screen, and with it,
'Privacy' should appear.

• For the phase with language auto-detect, 'Language', as well as the
rest of the non-storage settings, can be hidden on a dedicated second
screen, or, if we want to break/add features to GNOME, we can have a
drawer/disclosure section, or maybe people like the up-front info.

>> Also keep in mind that **none** of these mockups were tested with
>> users yet. We talked about them amongst ourselves, we reviewed it with
>> experts, etc. but we never sat with regular users and watch them
>> interact with those.
> So I don't want to wait again for months,

No worries. The flow based on the current proposal[0] is here[1]; I
will try to keep waiting to a minimum. I updated what exists of the
wizard to match the current proposal, excluding the 'Introduction' page
(maybe that can be linked to from an information (i) icon).

The only question so far is, should all buttons be aligned to the same
side? Right now the screens are laid out logically, independently of
each other, though aligning them may increase visual clarity.

Also, we have solid resolutions for whichever option we choose regarding
displaying the more technical settings on the first screen.

> which doesn't prevent anybody from organizing a paper test session
> timely.

I got this, if we feel strongly about testing. I have access to people
unfamiliar with Tails that would give us what we need, should we ask.
Questions arise, such as: What are we trying to test? How many people
should we sample? Specific use cases/threat models should we include?
And so on. I know we have guides, but are there any specifics not
addressed here[2], such as when we need this by?

If not, no worries, we can rely on logic to make such designations,
since that's the foundation the brain operates from. We can get super
close with just thought experiments, tweaking the interface from there
with user feedback after each release.


[1]: Greeter.Flow.png
[2]: https://tails.boum.org/contribute/how/user_interface/testing/
[3]: Greeter.Flow.svgz