[Tails-dev] Talk at DebConf

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Lähettäjä: Michael Banck
Päiväys: 2015-06-10 18:25 -000
Vastaanottaja: tails-dev
Kopio: content
Aihe: [Tails-dev] Talk at DebConf
Dear Tails Developers,

as part of the programme committee for DebConf15 (to be held from August
15th-22nd in Heidelberg, Germany), I would like to encourage you to
submit a Tails talk for this conference.

In particular, I think a lot of people heard about Tails via the News,
but technical details in those articles are scarce. So a general talk
about the mission of Tails, how it is implemented technically, which
anonymity, safety and security measures are taken on top of Debian and
that the future roadmap looks like would be great in my opinion.

Such a talk could fit into the Open Weekend, where we want to have
sessions aimed at a general audience. Of course, further technical
talks, BoFs or workshops (possibly also during DebCamp, which is
preceding DebConf) would be welcome as well.

The Call for Proposals closes this Monday (June 15th), but we could
likely accept a Tails submission slightly later, so let me know if you
would need more time.

For further information, see http://debconf15.debconf.org/proposals.xhtml

Best regards and hoping to see you at DebConf,

Michael, for the DebConf content team