Re: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge][website] documentation on m…

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Autor: emmapeel
Data: 2015-06-07 10:14 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge][website] documentation on master branch

> Maybe I would:
> * Also mention improvements to the website (other than documentation.
> Its structure, graphic design, other sections, etc.).

I added a new line with links to news and security advisory

> * Replace 'wiki' by 'website'. I understand from working with new
> contributors that it's weird to call our website a wiki when it's not
> really one (from a contributor's perspective). So I think we should
> progressively stop using the term 'wiki'.

Good point! Zoom too high...

> * Always beware of 'it'. I think you last bullet point would have been
> clearer for me you said "When releasing a new Tails, the branch the
> release was built from (stable or testing)."

/me runs to read the Microsoft documentation guidelines again...

> * Rephrase "Translations added to the website" into "Translations of the
> website" would save you a word :)

Ok branch has been updated:

a74f8c8..6c1fbb5 feature/9528-document_master_branch