著者: flapflap 日付: To: tails-dev 題目: [Tails-dev] OT: reduce the number of branches in git
I have difficulties with the number of branches in the tails repo that
clutter the gitk view and make it very hard to verify only some branches
I'm interested in.
In my setup, there are a couple of remote repos (those of other
translators), the official tails repo "upstream", and my own public repo
For the translations it's usually sufficient to have only master and
maybe devel from "upstream", so I don't need all the doc/* bugfix/*
feature/* test/* ... branches. Furthermore, I get almost all of these
branches again from each other translator's repo. This make gitk or git
log --graph almost unusable for me :(
So, is there a way to ignore some of these branches and track only the
ones I'm interested in and delete all the others locally?
How should each contributor handle their public repo: make a git
clone/fetch of the official tails repo and push everything (incl. all
branches) again to the contributor's repo, or push only the relevant
branches needed for others to work on?
Moreover, is it ok to delete (git push origin :mybranch) already
merged/completed branches from a contributor's repo, or is this an
important relict of development history?
How do you deal with all the complexity in the repo and all the
concurrent activity going on in different parts of tails?