Re: [Tails-dev] Question regarding Tails build

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Autor: Adam Burns
Data: 2015-05-23 08:15 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Question regarding Tails build
Hi anonym,

On 05/23/2015 09:09 AM, anonym wrote:
> On 05/22/2015 01:31 PM, Adam Burns wrote:
>> I've taken a very quick look at this.
>> As the ticket #8086 suggests, it is an issue in the way Rake is used
>> with a "Monkey-patched" Vagrant to build TAILS.
> The monkey patch is against *Vagrant*, and has nothing to do with Rake.
> IIRC newer versions of Vagrant has built-in authentication of the boxes,
> so that patch can be dropped.

Yes, understood.

>> Although the devs are keen to move to some other tech (Docker was
>> mentioned), I'm looking at removing Rake (and thus the Vagrant library
>> calls) from the build process if relatively easy to do so.
>> I suspect rake was used to front end Vagrant in earlier days when
>> perhaps Vagrant was less complete, but from quick examination, I don't
>> think Rake is required now (nor I suspect the patching). It would
>> simplify things enormously and bring wider Vagrant version compatibility
>> across (including non-Debian) build OS environments.
> For the list of issues we have with Vagrant, see:

Also looked at that & related
some time back. Most of the issues appear to be solved except for the
library calls in the rakefile(?)

Both Vagrant & vagrant-libvirt (installation through available though
vagrant) have matured to some degree. Qemu/KVM and VirtualBox images can
be built in parallel, or on choice of provisioning environment from a

But granted my current experience has been with veewee, Vagrant, ansible
and VirtualBox/Qemu/KVM so may not be entirely appropriate here.

I still hope to put in small amount of time to at least strip rake out
of the mix to then suggest/assess what may be possible after that :)

