[Hackmeeting] CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisin…

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Autor: T_Bazz
Dla: hackmeeting@inventati.org
Temat: [Hackmeeting] CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

vorrei invitarvi al secondo evento del Disruption Network Lab, in cui la
traduzione inglese del libro Il Cyborg di Antonio Caronia verra'
finalmente presentata a un pubblico internazionale, attraverso un
programma di conferenze e live performance.
Spero che alcuni di voi possano essere a Berlino in quei giorni.

Cari saluti,



# Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

Location: Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Date: 29th of May 2015 (17.00-21.30), 30th of May 2015 (16.00-21.30).
Admission: 5 Euro per day.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/cyborg
In English language.

Second event of the Disruption Network Lab, curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli and Daniela Silvestrin, in cooperation with Kunstraum
Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Speakers: Francesca Da Rimini (artist and cyberfeminist, AU); Virginia
Barratt (performer and cyberfeminist, AU); Jack Halberstam (theorist on
gaga feminism and queer failure, USA); Franco "Bifo" Berardi
(sociologist and philosopher, IT, video contribution); Helena Velena
(trans/gender hacktivist, and technologist, IT); Massimo Canevacci
(cultural anthropologist, IT/BR); Stefan Greiner (co-founder of Cyborg
e.V.); Francesco Warbear Macarone Palmieri (socio-anthropologist,
cultural producer, DJ, IT/DE); Janez Janša (artist and curator, SI);
Agnese Trocchi (artist and hacktivist, IT); Magdalena Freudenschuss
(gender theory researcher, DE); Christopher Coenen (researcher, DE);
Mariano Equizzi (filmmaker, IT/BG); Paolo Bigazzi Alderigi (sound
designer, IT); Giacomo Verde (artist and activist, IT, video contribution)

This two day event presents keynote speeches, panels and live cinema
reflecting on the relationships between identity, sexuality, technology
and politics.
Hackers, cyberfeminists, (trans)gender activists, artists and
transhumanists meet to expose power structures embedded in society and
our everyday life.

The event is built around the international book launch of "The Cyborg:
A Study of the Artificial Man", written by political Sci-Fi theorist
Antonio Caronia (Genoa, 1944 – Milan, 2013), published by Meson Press /
Hybrid Publishing Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Starting from
the book of Caronia and going beyond it, the analysis culminates
discussing the most recent frontiers of biotechnology and transhumanism.

Antonio Caronia was a political activist during the 1977 revolution in
Italy, turning after that to the study of mass culture and communication
theory, and about the relationship between science, technology,
identity, and cultural imagination. The Cyborg is crucial to the
understanding of the development of digital culture from the 1980s until
today, not only in Italy, but internationally. Adopting Science Fiction
and the critical reflection on technology and the body as a methodology
of cultural criticism, the challenge is to generate new activist, artist
and hacker interventions.

What does Cyborg mean today? Which new configurations are possible to
provoke critical awareness and agency through sexuality, the body and
technology? Do we still need to speak about "a body" or should we go
beyond physical boundaries to reflect critically on power structures in
a time of economic crisis and increasing technological surveillance?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production & Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Italian Culture Institute of Berlin. In collaboration
with the Hybrid Publishing Lab, CDC/Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
Meson Press, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen, and Aksioma - Institute of
Contemporary Art Ljubljana.
Media partners: Furtherfield.org; ExBerliner.com.

http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @t_bazz
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