Still working through much of the last message, but here are some
thoughts for now.
>> Spencer:
>> An auto-prompted walkthrough for the 'Language' section, leaving the
>> guided configuration experience as an always present link.
> Alan:
> I think that's what we should do, *but* let's make it possible not to
> have it on the 1st iteration(s).
If there is an auto detect for language preference then the 'Language'
section can be grouped with the more technical settings, allowing
'Storage' to be more prominent[0]. The logic is:
• If the auto detect runs at boot and does not detect a language
preference then the guided configuration step for 'Language' will
appear, walking people through selecting, and possibly saving, their
language preference.
• If the auto detect runs at boot and does detect a language preference
then the greeter dialog will appear, allowing people to focus on
configuring storage and/or starting Tails.
In both of these cases the issue of language is addressed before the
greeter screen we've been discussing ever appears, so it seems
appropriate to deemphasize the discoverability of the 'Language'
On the first iteration the greeter loads on boot with the expandable
'Settings' section open. The alternative is having no expandable
section [More on this below].
>> When someone wants to edit the settings they are asked to set up an
>> administrative password. This addresses the security issues
>> associated
>> with saving the more technical settings.
> I don't think that we should do that as there is no such concept of an
> administrative password in a live amnesic distro like Tails, unless a
> user choose one, that would be only active for the session.
Though I have to read the persistence documentation more thoroughly,
doesn't this exclude the passphrase for the encrypted partition, which
persists throughout multiple sessions? If so, and we have a passphrase
to access the persistent volume, wont the language preferences be stored
in this same location? If so, then, to me, we have two user types: 1)
the administrative user - who saves preferences and uses storage, and 2)
the passive user - who saves nothing and uses default and/or single
session preference settings [This designation is solely for argument
purposes]. If this is the case, then an administrative passphrase is
what is used to gain access to the persistent volume, right?
Also, .png brought up "make it impossible to know whether persistent
storage is present".
Citing TrueCrypt as an example, we could "allow the user to enter a
specific alternative password that makes the persistent storage appear
empty, or reveal a small set of innocuous files" in the case that
"someone is forced to reveal a password".
Basically, will Tails display the presence/absence of storage, or will
an administrative passphrase form field appear?
> Please share the source files (preferably SVGs) so that I/we can edit
> them to add graphical examples to our discussion?
Yes. You can find files here[1], let me know if there are any file
Some questions:
• Close[x] not needed?
If I boot into Tails, the greeter dialog appears. There is a Close[x].
If I click it, do I return to the host computer’s boot dialog? Does it
need to exist? What is the intended function/experience?
• Display/hide configuration settings?
On the greeter dialog the ‘Settings’ section expands on click and
displays the ‘Language’ and ‘Privacy’ section contents. If ‘Settings’
is closed on load, the “Check & Go” intention is lost. If ‘Settings’ is
open on load, closing the ‘Settings’ section serves no purpose and the
included privacy settings [the more technical options] might be unwanted
to some people. If the Settings[x] exists, saving the dialog preference
could resolve these issues. However, saving the dialog preference might
be a security issue. Should we keep the Settings[x] or just always
display the info? If we keep the Settings[x] are we saving the dialog
preference of it being open/closed? If we save the dialog preference is
the state of the content included?
[0] See attachment
[1] http:buildingcoolshit.com/share