Re: [Tails-dev] Possible Security Problem


著者: Georg Koppen
日付: 2015-04-08 16:52 -000
To: The Tails public development discussion list
CC: Mike Perry
題目: Re: [Tails-dev] Possible Security Problem

Giorgio Maone:
> This *would* not work for Tor Browser users, because of NoScript's ABE
> built-in LOCAL rule, which prevents cross-zone (WAN to LAN) HTTP
> requests, if only ABE was enabled per NoScript's default configuration.
> See
> Unfortunately, ABE seems to be turned off by Tor Browser's custom
> configuration.
> Like in other cases, there's surely a valid rationale behind this choice.
> Mike, could you please explain it? Is there anything I can do to make
> ABE better suited for the Tor Browser's specific needs? is the one discussing how to defend
against the fingerprinting vector. We decided that ABE is not necessary
(avoiding its complexity) back then.


> -- G
> On 08/04/2015 14:51, tails-bugs@??? wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We received that email to tails-bugs.
>> Cheers.
>> From: Taylor Hornby <th@???>
>> Dear Tails Team:
>> I believe I have found a way for a malicious website in Tails to scan
>> the user's local network for running HTTP servers. This could be used to
>> fingerprint them (i.e. use the list as a sort of supercookie), or
>> possibly deanonymize them if they have a very unique configuration.
>> It works by using JavaScript to measure the amount of time it takes to
>> load the URL. This is done for every IP in the range
>> Here's a proof of concept page that just prints out the load times in
>> milliseconds (warning: it starts running immediately when you open it):
>> (view source to see exactly how it works)
>> Here's a screenshot of what it produces on my network:
>> You can easily see from the output which IP addresses have a web server
>> running on port 80 (.11, .12, .25, .29, .30, ...).
>> Once an attacker knows an HTTP server exists at a given IP and port
>> number, they can start to profile what application is running on it. For
>> example, images could be loaded into HTML5 canvas and then returned to
>> the server. This way, if you had, say, a printer web administration
>> page, they could tell what make/model of printer you had by looking for
>> logo images. (I have not tried it; I'm not sure if same-origin-policy
>> would prevent it; but I don't think it would).
>> I wasn't able to test this with vanilla Tor Browser Bundle, since I
>> couldn't get it to run. I will do that as soon as I am home from
>> university.
>> An update: I tested with Tor Browser Bundle 4.0.6 (the latest), and it
>> does not have this problem. It looks like TBB blocks all requests to the
>> local network.
>> I also forgot to mention I was testing using Tails version 1.3.2 inside
>> a VirtualBox VM, in case that matters.
>> It would be really nice if Tails would block all non-Tor traffic from
>> kernel space when the "No" option is selected at startup. I'm sure this
>> has been discussed before, so there must be some reason it doesn't.
>> My PGP key for this email address is at:
>> The fingerprint is on my twitter:
>> -Taylor
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