著者: pilar castel 日付: To: Poema, forumroma@inventati.org, cristina.torelli@fastwebnet.it, ass.zabaglia@libero.it, marcello biondo, donneinnero@listas.nodo50.org, juliavshawlawrence@gmail.com, alessandroverga70@yahoo.it, adraiana di gianna, bp, reteromanapalestina@googlegroups.com, c.considine@btopenworld.com, renata, de def, comitatocontrolaguerramilano@gmail.com, comitatocivicotrbc@libero.it, Comitato Nonato CC: udi 題目: [RSF] Lettera di protesta per il bombardamento dello Yemen
Copiate , firmate e spedite , grazie e paci, pilar
Protest against the bombing of Yemen and the financing of terrorism
I firmly protest against the brutal
bombing of the sovereign State of Yemen,
especially of its civilian population, the financing and arming of
terrorists in Syria, Iraq and other countries, the violation of human
rights by means of medieval freddom-killing laws .
Pilar Castel
To: itemb@??? ; ambasciata.saudita@??? ; consolato@???
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