Re: [Tails-l10n] Bug reports about translations [Was: Discus…

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Autor: u
Data: 2015-03-30 10:54 -000
A: tails-l10n
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-l10n] Bug reports about translations [Was: Discuss our translation infrastructure - needs your input]
> Hi,
> Muri Nicanor wrote (29 Mar 2015 10:32:29 GMT) :
>> On 03/28/2015 05:50 PM, intrigeri wrote:
>>> Muri Nicanor wrote (26 Mar 2015 16:55:45 GMT) :
>>>>> SHOULD
>>>>> ======
>>> [...]
>>>> i think it also would be great to have some kind of bug reporting
>>>> feature for missing strings, missing pages, wrong or outdated
>>>> translations...
>>> I'm not sure I understand correctly what this idea is about:
>>>  * Who would be the target audience?
>>>    (Users, and/or translators, and/or anyone else?)
>> all of those ;) anyone who finds a bug in translations and wants to
>> report it (like the bug reports in redmine - oke, i just saw, that there
>> is already a 'translate' tag in redmine...)

> OK, I see. Let's try to define the problem better before we jump to
> candidate solutions. I see three potential problems:
>  * letting users report about problems in translations: IMO it's
>    simpler for users if they just do it using the existing bug
>    reporting channels; our troubleshooting doc would become too
>    complicated IMO if we need to tell users "to report translation
>    issues, go there and use this tool; to report other kinds of
>    issues, go to that other place and use that other tool"

>  * letting translators know about problems reported by users: it's
>    front-desk's job to forward such reports to the relevant people,
>    including -l10n@

>  * translators' todo-list management: we have Redmine if anyone
>    needs this.

> So, I'm very much unconvinced that we need yet another bug
> reporting tool.

ack! thanks for clarifying this.

>>> * Who would receive and handle such bug reports?
>> well, tails-l10n@??? ;)