Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

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Autor: anonym
Data: 2015-03-30 07:48 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumptes nous: Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification
On 29/03/15 15:04, bertagaz wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, lagging a bit one my emails.
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 04:44:32PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
>> Hi,
>> anonym wrote (24 Mar 2015 16:50:06 GMT) :
>>> However, I think the reason I asked for this feature was to trigger
>>> rebuilds when the feature branch's APT suite has been updated. From
>>> reading the blueprint it only mentions "Git", so I assume the "watchdog"
>>> won't look at the feature branch's APT suite state?
> That's right, good catch. I tried to add in the blueprint that we want
> builds triggered by uploads on APT suites.
> However, one point it raises (added to the blueprint) is determining who
> would be notified of this kind of build on failure.
> Multiple options are maybe to consider:
> * Notify every core devs that has upload access on our reprepro.

I think notifying the last Git committer would be correct 90+% of the
time, instead of spamming everyone 100% of the time (=> will make people
ignore build failure notifications). After all, most of the time only
one person works on any given branch, and with #8654 one will be forced
to modify Git in order to create (or at least activate) a branche's APT
suite, so there will be no "empty" Git topic branches that only modify
the APT suite any more.

Wild (possibly unrelated) idea: instead of only notifying the author of
the last commit of a topic branch, what about notifying all authors of
the topic branch since it deviated from the base branch? E.g.

    git log --pretty="format:%an <%ae>" ${BASE_BRANCH}.. | sort -u

> * Change our packaging habits and put our emails in the changelog.

It sounds good, but not without problems. Sometimes we upload packages
we haven't built ourselves, e.g. I often upload I2P packages built by
KillYourTV. Since it's KillYourTV's email in the last changelog entry,
should he,the package builder, be notified, or I, the branch owner? If
only one person should be notified, I think that should be me, the
branch owner, but both would be better, perhaps. I think that'd go well
with the "notify all authors of topic branch" idea I proposed above.

Also, I guess we need to filter out authors that are not Tails "core"
developers, so they do not get build failure notifications. This applies
to both packages uploaded (when we upload a package built by a 3rd
party), and Git (patches). Hmm. This makes me think that we should
perhaps look at Git committer name/email in Git instead of the author.
