著者: Jasper 日付: To: tails-dev 題目: Re: [Tails-dev] GUI for encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCrypt
container files
On Fri, 20 Mar 2015 08:35:42 +0100
intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote:
> Jasper wrote (19 Mar 2015 23:46:09 GMT) :
> > right now you only (graphically) support luks partitions, not
> > luks containers.
> I've not checked in Tails/Wheezy, but FYI Jessie's GNOME Disks has an
> "Attach disk image" function.
aye, the disk utils code is were you traditionally look for
"specifications" when it comes to new udisks dbus calls. never managed
to mount an encrypted file with write access though, but that might as
well be a udev config issue in debian (dont have a recent fedora vm for
whether creating a new encrypted luks "image" with udisks is possible
today remains a mistery until it eventually gets supported by gnome
disks. don't bother checking wheezy since it uses the abandoned
udisks-daemon as backend, jessie is running udisksd from udisks2