Re: [Tails-dev] GUI for encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCryp…

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Autor: sajolida
Data: 2015-03-20 12:40 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] GUI for encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCrypt container files
> Jasper wrote (19 Mar 2015 23:46:09 GMT) :
>> right now you only (graphically) support luks partitions, not
>> luks containers.
> I've not checked in Tails/Wheezy, but FYI Jessie's GNOME Disks has an
> "Attach disk image" function.

Thanks for sharing your concerns regarding partitions vs containers. I
think that they make a lot of sense and I didn't think about that in
this way before.

Still, I would need to mature that idea in my head before being sure
that this is a desirable feature in the context of Tails.

Because, for example, using containers imply have other unencrypted data
on the same partition, right? So that would probably encourage mixing up
data from different identities on the same disk. Then this data would be
equally available to Tails (and its possible targeted attacks) and could
deanonymise you. Of course, you can also do that with LUKS partitions...
but what I want to say is that your idea that containers makes it easier
to manipulate encrypted files for the user might actually make things
more complicated conceptually in the context of Tails.
