Re: [Tails-dev] State of TAILS accessibility with Orca

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Autor: Alan
Datum: 2015-03-15 10:55 -000
To: tails-dev
Alte Treads: Re: [Tails-dev] State of TAILS accessibility with Orca; Tor totally works within Iran using Pluggable transports (ScrambleSuit)
Betreff: Re: [Tails-dev] State of TAILS accessibility with Orca

sajolida <sajolida@???> wrote:
> Hadi Rezaee:
> > except the fact that i cannot start orca in the greeter
> Yeah, unfortunately that's a known issue:

What do you think about the proposed solution (from the above ticket):

    Easy solution: Add gnome-standard hotkeys to launch
    accessibility tools.

    Example: Orca, the screen-reader for blind users.
    Simply add a hotkey, (alt+super+S) to launch it. in the greeter.

> > apparently there is no sound when the greeter starts up, or something
> > like that. beside that, I can work with orca and tails' apps well.

We could add basic greeter accessibility as a requirement of the
revamp (setting #7500 as a subtask of #8230). Thoughs?
