Autor: sajolida Data: Para: The Tails public development discussion list Assunto: Re: [Tails-dev] [RFC] UX for ISO verification + Tails Installer +
full upgrades
intrigeri: >> I fully agree on that plan, thanks for coming up with it. Please
>> implement it on Redmine and in the blueprint and I'll review.
> Done on the blueprint (commit 9e9ffc4), and did most of the Redmine
> bits. I have two questions left.
> Regarding:
> Add second button "Upgrade" below or side-by-side with
> "Install" button.
> I don't get what this means, nor whether it still makes sense once we
> have:
> depending on whether the destination device has already Tails
> installed or not, dynamically change the label of main action button
> to "Install" or "Upgrade"
It still makes sense. You're proposing to have one button which changes
name and function depending on the destination device. I'm proposing to
have two buttons instead of one: "Reinstall" and "Upgrade" if the
destination has Tails already.
This fixes the UX regression that you introduced with « this breaks the
"re-installing Tails from scratch" use case ». So I put this as more
important even than the Debian hacker thing which would be a goody only
for some people. I traded both in commit 3b05c9e. I hope that's fair.
> Regarding:
> Point to website to download ISO if outside of Tails.
> It was part of the non-bonus bits that you proposed initially for
> 2015, but on #8867#note-2 you wrote "if we have extra time I'd rather
> focus on more important bonuses for 2015", so I'm not sure how you
> rank it in terms of priority. In short: should it be part of the
> top-priority "bonus" bits that were covered in the plan I've proposed,
> and that I've moved to sub-tasks of the (new) #9005 parent ticket?
> Or instead let floating around like e.g. #8862?