Re: [Tails-ux] Help needed: Nautilus Wipe progress dialog ti…

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Autor: sajolida
Data: 2015-03-03 17:12 -000
A: Tails user experience & user interface design
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-ux] Help needed: Nautilus Wipe progress dialog title
>>> intrigeri intrigeri[at]
>>> Nautilus Wipe ("right-click -> Wipe" in the file manager) displays
>>> a progress dialog that one can see when wiping large enough files.
>>> Currently, that dialog window's title is "nautilus", and the text
>>> displayed in the dialog is "Wiping files...". I think the title could
>>> be improved. I've been talking with the upstream author (Cc'd) and
>>> he agrees, and came up with a draft patch.
>>> An example I've found is the GNOME archive thing ("right click ->
>>> Extract here"):
>>> - title: Extract Archive
>>> - text in the dialog window: Extracting the files from
>>> whatever.tar.gz...
>>> Looks good, so what about using "Wipe Files" as the title, and keeping
>>> "Wiping files..." at the text?
>> I would suggest to use more explicits words like "Securely delete files"
>> and "Securely clean available disk space" like in the Tails online
>> documentation
>> (

I agree that something about "secure" should be in there. As it is the
key issue here: we are not only "delete" files as usual but "wiping"
them, aka "securely deleting" them. See our doc.

> I agree with being more explicit, though, given that the name of the
> Nautilus file manager tool is Nautilus Wipe, 'Wipe' seems most appropriate.

Right, then the question is: can we consider replacing all occurrences
of "wipe" with "secure deletion", even in the name of the action in the
right-click menu?

>     - Action: 'Delete Files'
>     - Title: 'Nautilus Delete'
>     - Progress: 'Deleting files...'

Building up on the example of the archive extraction, the title of the
window is the short and generic term of the action as a noun, so I would
say (adding "secure" on top of that):

For files:

    - Action: Securely delete
    - Title: Secure Deletion
    - Progress: Securely deleting file xyz

For disk space:

    - Action: Securely clean disk space
    - Action: Secure Cleaning
    - Progress: Securely cleaning disk space on /media/xyz

NB: Microsoft Manual of Style says "disk space" instead of "diskspace"
as of Nautilus Wipe and our documentation right now. I'd fit our doc if
Nautilus Wipe does the change.