Re: [Tails-dev] Please put it a priority to teach users how …

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Címzett: The Tails public development discussion list, liuwang.baigong
Tárgy: Re: [Tails-dev] Please put it a priority to teach users how to have a proxy after TOR
Liuwang Baigong:
> Please do something to stop this. I know that one can use proxychain
> to circumvent this, but there is no easy to use documentation to
> teach this. Also, please consider adding proxychain to the next built
> so one does not need to download each time when using LIVE CD.
> Please pay attention to this as it goes to the essense of using TOR.
> If we cannot use TOR to access most websites, then what is the need
> to use TOR?
> 'We could write on how to use that inan "unsupported, advanced users
> only, may kill kittens" part of thedocumentation.' - Please do.

You're right, unfortunately I personally don't know how to do that.

I understand the technique using SSH that is described here:


But I'm not sure how practical this is given then fact that you would
need an anonymous SSH service to be able to do that. I don't either if
proxychains allows to do the same or a different thing.

I created a ticket about this:

Feel free to dump information, proof-of-concept in there.