著者: BitingBird 日付: To: Public mailing list about the Tails project 題目: Re: [Tails-project] Reports, the return
sajolida: > BitingBird:
>> Since July 2014, we don't have monthly reports anymore. I'm
>> ressuscitating them, in a bit updated form (less information, but more
>> written instead of lists).
>> I started writing a (late) report for the end of 2014. You can see it on:
>> https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/report_end_of_2014 >>
>> I still need some input from the accounting team regarding the Romeo grant.
>> The next one will cover january and february, but it's really not ready
>> yet. You can see it on https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/report_2015_01-02 >>
>> Any remarks, improvements, suggestions are welcome :)
> Thanks a lot for putting this together!
> I'll try to work myself on the following aspects: UX,
> website/documentation, and fundraising. Do you have any deadline?
I'll publish the january-february one in the beginning of march, and I'd
like to publish the end of 2014 one earlier - in a week would probably
be the latest.