[Hackmeeting] Freepto 1.0.1 Berenjena

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Autor: paskao
Datum: 2015-02-19 15:08 -000
To: hackmeeting
Betreff: [Hackmeeting] Freepto 1.0.1 Berenjena
Salve gente,

abbiamo rilasciato la nuova versione di Freepto, la 1.0.1 - Berenjena,
che potete scaricare a questo indirizzo:

Per chi fosse interessato, qui puo' si possono osservare i cambi
principali che sono stati fatti rispetto alla vecchia stable (la
versione 0.1.2 - Arancina).

New features:
    - Created freepto-usb-utils, a GTK tool to create persistence.
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/freepto-usb-utils )
    - New TorTP replaced for Stem-TorTP, that use python-stem and GTK.
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/stem-tortp )
    - Automatic OTR if possible into XMPP chat with Pidgin.
    - Syslinux autodetect CPU.
    - Added catfish.
    - Added gigolo, for user-friendly WebDAV.
    - Added spice-vdagent and xserver-xorg-video-qxl for libvirt/qemu
    - Added parcimonie.
    - Added network-manager-iodine-gnome, network-manager-pptp-gnome,
    - Added synclient-tools to configure the touchpad.
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/synclient-tools )
    - Added parted.

    - Added new deb-multimedia GPG key: 5C808C2B65558117 (4096 bits).
    - Fixed torbrowser-settings menu.
    - Removed patterns-backup1.ini
    - Added new tor project key.
    - Truecrypt is deprecated and moved to a new package, which
      contains the binary, too. It is wrapped with a zenity dialog that
      warns against its usage.
    - Confirm secure delete in Thunar.
    - New A/I certificates.
    - Removed MiniSSDPd.
    - Removed full-blown MTA.
    - Fix adblockplus default subscriptions.
    - Disabled swapon.
    - Configured pidgin with certificates for a/i domains.
    - Disabled openvpn daemon at startup.
    - Added vlc as a default player.
    - Disabled session recovery of xfce4.
    - Updated openpgp best practices. See:
    - Fixed openvpn on network manager.

    - Freepto can be installed without persistence.
    - Get torbrowser from wheezy-backports.
    - Replaced epdfview for evince-gtk.
    - APT: using http.debian.net instead of cdn.debian.net.
    - Changed irc default channel to #freepto.
    - Add calendar and mixer to panel. Beware: the mixer configuration
      is still suboptimal!

Development changes:
    - Split code with git submodules.
    - Auto build submodules when new freepto is build.
    - Configuration can be added through env var.

Work in progress:
    - Greek version of Freepto berenjena
    - Make development easier: freepto-vagrant
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/freepto-vagrant )
    - Protection against cold boot attacks: wiperam
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/wiperamFreepto )
    - Create a freepto server more easily: freepto-buildtools
      ( https://github.com/AvANa-BBS/freepto-buildtools )

Buon fritto a tutte e tutti,