Re: [Tails-dev] What do we miss to replace Vidalia [was: Get…

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Autor: sajolida
Data: 2015-02-11 15:12 -000
A: The Tails public development discussion list
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] What do we miss to replace Vidalia [was: Getting rid of Vidalia]
> Vidalia is unmaintained and we were looking for solutions to get rid of
> it[1]. It turned out that the main missing piece was a replacement to
> its "Network Map"[2].

Great, thanks a lot for moving this forward!

> I'm working on an GTK application that shows circuits and the streams
> that are attached to then, basically as the bottom left part of Vidalia's
> network map[3]. It is now usable so I propose that we get rid of Vidalia for
> tails/jessie.

I cloned your repo, installed python-stem, tried to run and and got errors for both.

How can I test this from Tails?

$ python
  File "", line 10
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

$ python
[Errno 13] Permission denied
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 346, in <module>
    app = TorMonitorApplication()
  File "", line 316, in __init__
    message_format=_("Unable to connect to Tor daemon."))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/", line 485,
in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/", line 418,
in __init__
    if flags & Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'NoneType' and

> The network status would be provided by this new Tor Monitor.
> Do we miss something else to replace Vidalia ?

If I quickly go through what's left from the Vidalia interface and I
could discuss the relevance of the following features:

  - Info about relays in the circuits.
  - Ability to close a circuit manually.
  - Ability to view logs from Tor without an administration password.
  - New identity (the one we have in Tor Browser does something
  - Bandwidth Graph.

Which one of those are you covering already or did you consider?