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These signs had remained symbols of the Paulskirche movement and Weimar Germany wanted to express its view of being also originated in that political movement between 1849 and 1858. However, anti-republicans opposed this flag. While the first German Confederal Navy (Reichsflotte) (1848.1852) had proudly used a naval ensign based on Schwarz-Rot-Gold, the Weimar republic navy, or Reichsmarine (1918.1933) insisted on using the pre-1918 colours of the previous Kaiserliche Marine (1871.1918), which were Black-White-Red, as did the German merchant marine.Main article: German Revolution of 1918.1919Philipp Scheidemann addresses a crowd from a window of the Reich Chancellery, 9 November 1918.With the Verordnung of 3 February 1919, the Ebert government reintroduced the original structure of the health insurance boards according to an 1883 law, with one-third employers and two-thirds members (i.e. workers).[18] From the 28th of June 1919, health insurance committees became elected by workers t
hemselves.[19] The Provisional Order of January 1919 concerning agricultural labour conditions fixed 2,900 hours as a maximum per year, distributed as eight, ten, and eleven hours per day in four-monthly periods.[20] A code of January 1919 bestowed upon land-labourers the same legal rights that industrial workers enjoyed, while a bill ratified that same year obliged the States to set up agricultural settlement associations which, as noted by Volker Berghahn, .were endowed with the priority right of purchase of farms beyond a specified size..[21] In addition, undemocratic public institutions were abolished, involving, as noted by one writer, the disappearance .of the Prussian Upper House, the former Prussian Lower House that had been elected in accordance with the three-class suffrage, and the municipal councils that were also elected on the class vote..[22]At the time, the Socialist movement which represented the working classes was split among two major parties: the Independent Soc
ial Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), which called for immediate peace negotiations and favoured a socialist system of industrial control, and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) also known as "Majority" Social Democratic Party of Germany (MSPD), which supported the war effort and favoured a parliamentary system. The rebellion caused great fear in the establishment and in the middle classes because of the Soviet Russia connotation of the councils. For the supporters of a monarchy, the country seemed to be on the verge of a communist revolution.The Treaty of Versailles limited the size of the Reichswehr to 100,000 soldiers (consisting of seven infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions), 10 armoured cars and a navy (the Reichsmarine) restricted to 36 ships in active service. No aircraft of any kind was allowed. The main advantage of this limitation however was that the Reichswehr could afford to pick the best recruits for service. However with inefficient armour and no
air support, the Reichswehr would have had limited combat abilities. Privates were mainly recruited from the countryside, as it was believed that young men from the towns were prone to socialist behaviour, which would fray the loyalty of the privates to their conservative officers.Although technically in service of the republic, the army was predominantly officered by conservative reactionaries who were sympathetic to right-wing organisations. Hans von Seeckt, the head of the Reichswehr, declared that the army was not loyal to the democratic republic, and would only defend it if it were in their interests. During the Kapp Putsch for example, the army refused to fire upon the rebels. However, as right wing as the army was, it hesitated to assist the Nazis, whom they mostly viewed as thugs.[citation needed] The SA was the Reichswehr's main opponent throughout its existence, as they saw them as a threat to their existence,[dubious . discuss] and the army fired at them during the Beerh
all Putsch. Upon the establishment[dubious . discuss] of the SS, the Reichswehr took a softer look upon the Nazis since the SS seemed more respectable, and openly favoured order over anarchy. In 1935, several years after Hitler came to power, the Reichswehr was renamed the Wehrmacht.Military[edit]In October 1918, the constitution of the German Empire was reformed to introduce a parliamentary system similar to the British, but this soon became obsolete.[citation needed] On 29 October, rebellion broke out in Kiel among sailors. There, sailors, soldiers and workers began electing workers' and soldiers' councils (Arbeiter und Soldatenräte) modeled after the soviets of the Russian Revolution of 1917. The revolution spread throughout Germany, and participants seized military and civil powers in individual cities. The power takeover was achieved everywhere without loss of life.Naval ensign of the Reichsflotte (1848.1852).Flag and coat of arms[edit]Jack of the Kaiserliche Marine (1903.1919)
.After the dissolution of the Imperial army, the Reichswehr, in 1918, Germany's military forces consisted of irregular paramilitaries, namely the various right-wing Freikorps groups composed of veterans from the war. The Freikorps units were formally disbanded in 1920 (although continued to exist in underground groups), and on 1 January 1921, a new Reichswehr (figuratively; Defence of the realm) was created.The first recorded mention of the term "Republik von Weimar" ("Republic of Weimar") came in a witheringly derogatory context, during a speech delivered by an opposition leader at a Nazi Party rally in Munich on 24 February 1929, and it was a few weeks later that the same opposition politician, Adolf Hitler, first used the term "Weimar Republik" in a newspaper article.[8] Only during the 1930s did the term become more widely used both within and outside Germany.A number of other reforms were carried out in Germany during the revolutionary period. It was made harder for estates to
sack workers and prevent them from leaving when they wanted to; under the Provisional Act for Agricultural Labour of 23 November 1918 the normal period of notice for management, and for most resident labourers, was set at six weeks. In addition, a supplementary directive of December 1918 specified that female (and child)workers were entitled to a fifteen-minute break if they worked between four and six hours, thirty minutes for workdays lasting six to eight hours, and one hour for longer days.[16] A decree of the 23rd of December 1918 established committees (composed of workers. representatives .in their relation to the employer.) to safeguard the rights of workers. The right to bargain collectively was also established, while it was made obligatory .to elect workers. committees on estates and establish conciliation committees.. A decree of the 3rd of February 1919 removed the right of employers to acquire exemption for domestic servants and agricultural workers.[17]The sailors' reb
ellion, November 1918.After the introduction of the republic, the flag and coat of arms of Germany were altered to reflect the political changes. The republican tricolour is based on the flag that the Paulskirche Constitution of 1849 introduced, which was decided upon by the German National Assembly in Frankfurt upon Main, at the peak of the German civic movement that demanded parliamentary participation and unification of the German states.Main article: ReichswehrNovember Revolution (1918.1919)[edit]The Executive Council of the Workers. and Soldiers. Councils, a coalition that included Majority Socialists, Independent Socialists, workers, and soldiers, implemented a programme of progressive social change, introducing reforms such as the eight-hour workday, the releasing of political prisoners, the abolition of press censorship, increases in workers. old-age, sick and unemployment benefits, and the bestowing upon labour the unrestricted right to organise into unions.[15]Doepler's de
sign then became the Reichsschild (Reich's escutcheon) with restricted use such as pennant for government vehicles. In 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) adopted all three signs of Weimar Republic, Reichswappen, Reichsschild and Reichsflagge as Bundeswappen, Bundesschild and Bundesflagge.[14]The republican coat of arms took up the idea of the German crest established by the Paulskirche movement, using the same charge animal, an eagle, in the same colours (black, red and gold), but modernising its form, including a reduction of the heads from two to one. Friedrich Ebert initially declared the official German coat of arms to be a design by Emil Doepler (shown in the infobox above) as of 12 November 1919, following a decision of the German government.[10]he Weimar Republic is so called because the assembly that adopted its constitution met at Weimar, Germany from 6 February 1919 to 11 August 1919,[7] but this name only became mainstream after 1933. Between 1919 and 193
3 there was no single name for the new state that gained widespread acceptance, which is precisely why the old name "Deutsches Reich" continued in existence even though hardly anyone actually used it during the Weimar period.[8] To the right of the spectrum the politically engaged rejected the new democratic model and hated to see the honour of the traditional word "Reich" associated with it.[9] The Catholic Centre party favoured the term "Deutscher Volksstaat" ("German People's State") while on the moderate left the Chancellor's SPD (party) preferred "Deutsche Republik" ("German Republic").[9] "Deutsche Republik" was, by 1925, the term that most Germans used, but for the anti-democratic right the word "Republik" was, along with the relocation of the seat of power to Weimar, a painful reminder of a government structure that had been imposed by foreign statesmen, along with the expulsion of Kaiser Wilhelm in the wake of massive national humiliation.[9]The official coat of arms of Ger
many (Reichswappen) from 1919 to 1928.In 1928, however, the Reichswappen (Reich coat of arms) designed by Tobias Schwab (1887.1967) in 1926 [or 1924[11]] replaced it as the official emblem for the German Olympic team.[12][13][14] The Reichswehr adopted the new Reichswappen in 1927.[14]On 7 November, the revolution had reached Munich, resulting in King Ludwig III of Bavaria fleeing. The MSPD decided to make use of their support at grass roots and put themselves at the front of the movement, demanding that Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicate. When he refused, Prince Max of Baden simply announced that he had done so and frantically attempted to establish a regency under another member of the House of Hohenzollern. Gustav Noske, a self-appointed military expert in the MSPD was sent to Kiel to prevent any further unrest and took on the task of controlling the mutinous sailors and their supporters in the Kiel barracks. The sailors and soldiers, inexperienced in matters of revolutionary combat, wel
comed him as an experienced politician and allowed him to negotiate a settlement, thus defusing the initial anger of the revolutionaries in uniform.Jack of the Reichsmarine (1918.1935).On 11 November, an armistice was signed at Compiègne by German representatives. It effectively ended military operations between the Allies and Germany. It amounted to German capitulation, without any concessions by the Allies; the naval blockade would continue until complete peace terms were agreed.History[edit]The achievements and signs of this movement were mostly done away with after its downfall and the political reaction. Only the tiny German Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont upheld the tradition and continued to use the German colours called Schwarz-Rot-Gold in German (English: Black-Red-Gold).On 9 November 1918, the "German Republic" was proclaimed by MSPD member Philipp Scheidemann at the Reichstag building in Berlin, to the fury of Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the MSPD, who thought that the
question of monarchy or republic should be answered by a national assembly. Two hours later, a "Free Socialist Republic" was proclaimed, 2 km (1.2 mi) away, at the Berliner Stadtschloss. The proclamation was issued by Karl Liebknecht, co-leader (with Rosa Luxemburg) of the communist Spartakusbund (Spartacist League), a group of a few hundred supporters of the Russian revolution that had allied itself with the USPD in 1917. In a legally questionable act, Reichskanzler Prince Max of Baden transferred his powers to Friedrich Ebert, who, shattered by the monarchy's fall, reluctantly accepted. In view of the mass support for more radical reforms among the workers' councils, a coalition government called "Council of the People's Deputies" (Rat der Volksbeauftragten) was established, consisting of three MSPD and three USPD members. Led by Ebert for the MSPD and Hugo Haase for the USPD it sought to act as a provisional cabinet of ministers. But the power question was unanswered. Although th
e new government was confirmed by the Berlin worker and soldier council, it was opposed by the Spartacist League.

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