[check_PO_master] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson2678273887418963961.sh + ./wiki/src/contribute/l10n_tricks/check_po.sh W: ./wiki/src/bugs.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '[[!meta title="Bugs"]] ' E: ./wiki/src/bugs.fr.po: inconsistent-trailing-newlines msgid '[[!meta title="Bugs"]] ' W: ./wiki/src/bugs.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid "If you've found a bug in Tails, please read [[doc/first_steps/bug_reporting]]." W: ./wiki/src/bugs.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid "We don't use this section anymore, see [[contribute/working_together/Redmine]] instead." W: ./wiki/src/download.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Additionally, you can verify the <a href=[[!inline pages="inc/stable_i386_torrent_sig_url" raw="yes"]]>signature of the Torrent file</a> itself before downloading the ISO image.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/encryption_and_privacy/manage_passwords.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'When using <span class="application">OpenPGP</span> with <span class="application">Claws Mail</span> or <span class="application">OpenPGP Applet</span> for example, you need to enter a password in a <span class="application">Pinentry</span> dialog box. But you cannot copy and paste into it. This is a security feature of <span class="application">Pinentry</span> based on the fact that otherwise the data in the clipboard could be accessed by another application against your will. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/encryption_and_privacy/manage_passwords.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '0. Use <span class="application">OpenPGP</span> with <span class="application">Claws Mail</span> or <span class="application">OpenPGP Applet</span> until the <span class="application">Pinentry</span> dialog box appears. ' W: ./wiki/src/about.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'our [[design document|contribute/design]] about Tails specification, threat model and implementation,' W: ./wiki/src/about.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '<a id="related-projects"></a> ' W: ./wiki/src/about.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Similar projects ' W: ./wiki/src/about.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '[Freepto](http://www.freepto.mx/)' W: ./wiki/src/doc/advanced_topics/cold_boot_attacks.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'As far as we know, cold boot attacks are not a common procedure for data recovery, but it might still be good to be prepared. If no cold boot attack happens directly after shutdown, the RAM empties itself in minutes, and all data disappears.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/warning.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'The documents that you might save on storage devices will not be encrypted by default, except in the [[encrypted persistent volume|doc/first_steps/persistence]]. But Tails provides you with tools to encrypt your documents, such as GnuPG, or encrypt your storage device, such as LUKS. It is likely that the files you may create will keep tracks that they were created using Tails.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/anonymous_internet/vidalia.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'The <span class="application">Vidalia</span> onion icon sometimes stays yellow even if Tor is already started. If the <span class="guilabel">Tor is ready</span> notification appears or if you can browse the Internet using <span class="application">Tor Browser</span>, then Tor is started correctly. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '[[As explained on our warning page|warning#fingerprint]], when using Tails it is possible to know that you are using Tor. But Tails tries to **make it as difficult as possible to distinguish Tails users from other Tor users**, especially users of <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> outside of Tails. If it is possible to determine whether you are a user of <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> inside or outside of Tails, this provides more information about you and in consequence reduces your anonymity. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'To make it difficult to distinguish Tails users, **<span class="application">Tor Browser</span> in Tails tries to provide the same information as <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> on other operating systems** in order to have similar fingerprints. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'See the [[fingerprint section of known issues page|support/known_issues#fingerprint]] for a list of known differences between the fingerprints of <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> inside and outside of Tails. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Apart from that, **some of the <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> extensions included in Tails are specific to Tails**. More sophisticated attacks can use those differences to distinguish Tails users. ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'A Tails system is **almost exclusively generating Tor activity** on the network. Usually users of <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> on other operating systems also have network activity outside of Tor, either from another web browser or other applications. So the proportion of Tor activity could be used to determine whether a user of <span class="application">Tor Browser</span> is using Tails or not. If you are sharing your Internet connection with other users that are not using Tails it is probably harder for your ISP to determine whether a single user is generating only Tor traffic and so maybe using Tails.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Tails **does not use the entry guards mechanism of Tor**. With the [entry guard mechanism](https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#EntryGuards), a Tor user always uses the same few relays as first hops. As Tails does not store any Tor information between separate working sessions, it does not store the entry guards information either. This behaviour could be used to distinguish Tails users across several working sessions.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/fingerprint.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'When starting, Tails synchronizes the system clock to make sure it is accurate. While doing this, if the time is set too much in the past or in the future, Tor is shut down and started again. This behavior could be used to distinguish Tails users, especially this happens every time Tails starts.' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/features.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '* [Tor](https://www.torproject.org) with: - [[stream isolation|contribute/design/stream_isolation]] - regular and obfsproxy bridges support - the [Vidalia](https://www.torproject.org/projects/vidalia) graphical frontend * [NetworkManager](http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/) for easy network configuration * [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en), a web browser based on [Mozilla Firefox](http://getfirefox.com) and modified to protect your anonymity with: - [Torbutton](https://www.torproject.org/torbutton) for anonymity and protection against evil JavaScript - all cookies are treated as session cookies by default; - [HTTPS Everywhere](https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere) transparently enables SSL-encrypted connections to a great number of major websites - [NoScript](http://noscript.net/) to have even more control over JavaScript. - [AdBlock Plus](https://adblockplus.org/en/firefox) to remove advertisements. * [Pidgin](http://www.pidgin.im/) preconfigured with [OTR](http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/index.php) for Off-the-Record Messaging * [Claws Mail](http://www.claws-mail.org/) e-mail client, with GnuPG support * [Liferea](http://liferea.sourceforge.net/) feed aggregator * [Gobby](http://gobby.0x539.de/trac/) for collaborative text writing * [Aircrack-ng](http://aircrack-ng.org/) for wireless networks auditing * [I2P](https://geti2p.net/) an anonymizing network ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/anonymous_internet.index.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '[[!traillink Browsing_the_web_with_<span_class="application">Tor_Browser</span>|anonymous_internet/tor_browser]]' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/openpgp_keys.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Private mailing-list key ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/openpgp_keys.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid ' pub 4096R/0x1D2975EDF93E735F 2009-08-14 [expires: 2016-12-27] Key fingerprint = 09F6 BC8F EEC9 D8EE 005D BAA4 1D29 75ED F93E 735F uid Tails developers (Schleuder mailing-list) <tails@???> uid Tails list (schleuder list) <tails-request@???> uid Tails list (schleuder list) <tails-owner@???> sub 4096R/0xD843C2F5E89382EB 2009-08-14 [expires: 2016-12-27] ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/openpgp_keys.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid ' pub 4096R/0x1202821CBE2CD9C1 2010-10-07 [expires: 2015-04-30] Key fingerprint = 0D24 B36A A9A2 A651 7878 7645 1202 821C BE2C D9C1 uid Tails developers (signing key) <tails@???> ' W: ./wiki/src/doc/about/openpgp_keys.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid ' pub 4096R/EC57B56EF0C43132 2013-07-24 [expires: 2018-07-23] Key fingerprint = 1F56 EDD3 0741 0480 35DA C1C5 EC57 B56E F0C4 3132 uid Tails bug squad <tails-bugs@???> uid Tails bug squad (schleuder list) <tails-bugs-owner@???> uid Tails bug squad (schleuder list) <tails-bugs-request@???> uid Tails private user support <tails-support-private@???> sub 4096R/9D6D6472AFC1AD77 2013-07-24 [expires: 2018-07-23] ' W: ./wiki/src/support/talk.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'This is a public mailing list, so <strong>be careful with what you are sending</strong>. Give only the necessary informations about yourself, and if possible use Tails or [[<span class="application">Tor Browser</span>|https://torproject.org/torbrowser/]] to hide your IP address.' W: ./wiki/src/support/talk.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid '[[tails-support-private@???|mailto:tails-support-private@boum.org]]' W: ./wiki/src/support/talk.fr.po: stray-previous-msgid msgid 'Encrypting your emails with our [[OpenPGP key|doc/about/openpgp_keys#support]] is the only way to achieve end-to-end encryption.'Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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