tchou <tchou@???> wrote:
> Here are some feedbacks and mockups coming after the last workshops we
> did at NUMA (Thanks again Claudio and Fiodor !).
Thanks for your feedback.
> - The first workshop was about testing with paper the current state of
> the Greeter revamp [1].
I'd be really interested about the feedback you got during these tests.
Do you have notes to share with us?
> - The second was about proposing improvements.
> The mockups I share with you today comes after this, with some extra
> personnal ideas. The main thing is merge and rephrase the "welcome"
> and "quick setup" screens.
Why this merge? Without the feedback from the previous step, it
makes the 1st screen looks much more complicated for reasons I fail to
> There are some comments on the mockups,
> maybe there is still missing explanations to understand the proposal.
How is the user supposed to discover that the accordion is an
accordion? I can't think of a GNOME UI using this principle so I'm
afraid it might not be coherent with the rest of the desktop experience.