Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 1.2.2 (Missing De…


著者: i-only-fuck-blow-up-dolls
日付: 2014-12-29 10:13 -000
To: tails-dev
題目: Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 1.2.2 (Missing Debian Updates Since 1.2.1?)
re: Release schedule for Tails 1.2.2 (Missing Debian Updates Since 1.2.1?)


"Given the just released 1.2.2 emergency release, the above schedule is
for what we now will call Tails 1.2.3. Nothing changes except the
version number." - anonym


I'm confused. Version 1.2.2 was an "emergency release" but where is the 1.2.2 Changelog page @ with the usual list of "security updates" since 1.2.1? If there were none, and "Nothing changes except the version number" for Tails 1.2.3, then something is very wrong with the releases 1.2.2 - 1.2.3 if you ignore the usual Debian Security Updates.

If you look here ( you may observe some serious security issues in various packages, especially:

DSA-3095 xorg-server:

but in several more since 1.2.1! What happened here? Where were these security issues patched in 1.2.2? If not, we're skipping them in 1.2.3? Where is the list of these security patches between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2? I'd really like to see the page where these updates have been applied. Otherwise, I'll assume they are being overlooked/skipped between 1.2.1 and 1.2.3. (or only updated with each new boot into TAILS which is unacceptable imho)