Autor: Emma Peel Datum: 2014-11-11 15:14 -000 To: tails-dev Betreff: Re: [Tails-dev] using meek with Tails
On Sat, 08 Nov 2014 10:12:50 +0100
intrigeri <intrigeri@???> wrote: >
> AFAIK, obfs3 bridges still work in China as well, and they do work
> just fine in Tails.
> Still, the landscape of pluggable transports is quickly evolving, and
> indeed we have a hard time staying on top of things in this area.
> We already had #7909 (Support scramblesuit bridges, almost done, and
> on my plate for 1.3) and #7980 (Support obfs4 bridges), and I've just
> created #8243 (Support meek bridges).
> And what about 'flash proxies'? Another user is asking for them, and
saying that obsf3 bridges are not so available... is this true?
> It's entirely unclear to me which ones we should prioritize.
> Assuming we add support for Scramblesuit in Tails 1.3, then what
> usecases won't we be supporting, that we could support better with
> obfs4 or meek?
> Cheers,