著者: Michael Rogers 日付: To: The Tails public development discussion list 題目: Re: [Tails-dev] Call for help: isohybrid.pl needs a maintainer
On 11/11/14 10:55, intrigeri wrote: > First step is to get Tails Installer working on a couple non-Tails
> GNU/Linux distros: that's on our plate (#7046) and should be worked
> on in 2015 if everything goes right. It's quite some work, but
> shouldn't be too hard.
> Second step is to make Tails Installer multi-platform. The Windows
> side of things is a goal for the Tails 3.0 milestone (#7544). I
> expect the hard parts to be:
> * getting everything in working shape on Windows (GPT,
> partitioning, filesystem creation)
> * making it so it doesn't block our plausible deniability plans
> (#5929), that is Tails Installer should be able to create LUKS
> volumes on Windows that look exactly the same as the ones created
> on GNU/Linux (or, worst case, implement #5929 in a way that creates
> the "fake" persistent volume at first boot, instead of at
> installation time)
> * testing the resulting Windows port on various versions of
> Windows: nobody on our team uses Windows, so that won't be easy.
> Also, it won't be easy for us to automate these tests...
> Third step is to do the same for OS X. No idea how hard it'll be.
Thanks for the information! It's great to know that there's a plan for
this. I'll check out the tickets you mentioned.