Re: [Tails-ux] [Tails-dev] Greeter mockups

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Auteur: u
Date: 2014-11-07 14:00 -000
À: tails-ux
Sujet: Re: [Tails-ux] [Tails-dev] Greeter mockups
Hi again,

>> Did some japanese speaker check the ideograms on the 2 "languages"
>> icons, to make sure they are real ideograms ?

It's the chinese ideogram for "language":

> The ideogram on the first screen comes from the "language icon" [1]. And
> I trust them to be fine.
> [1]:
> The ideogram on the second screen comes from The Noun Project [2]. And I
> also trust them to be fine.
> [2]:

> Here again we have two versions because we haven't made a clear decision
> yet. I prefer the first icon on the first screen because it is less high
> and fits better on top of the selection list.
> Which one do you think is better and why?

I prefer the second, simpler version.
