[Tails-ux] greeter: launch buttons [was: Status of the new g…

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Auteur: Alan
Date: 2014-10-11 19:10 -000
À: tails-ux
Anciens-sujets: Re: [Tails-ux] Status of the new greeter UI
Sujet: [Tails-ux] greeter: launch buttons [was: Status of the new greeter UI]

> > - remove the "Select your configuration options :"
> > - bring closer the guided and the advanded, because it is the same
> > thing, with 2 differents interfaces
> > - move the "Launch" on extreme right.
> >
> >             Options
> > [ Guided setup | Fast setup ]         Launch

> >
> > or
> >
> > [ Discover options | Fast setup ]     Launch

> >
> > I think the last screen on the guided configuration should be
> > "Launch" too instead of "go" (or "go" everywhere).
> I did something quite different in my last changes. See:
> http://git.tails.boum.org/tails/plain/wiki/src/blueprint/greeter_revamp_UI/greeter-1st-screen-dvd.png?h=web/greeter-wording.
> I'm divided between:
> - Making the three choices more homogenous and making it more clear
> that there are three different paths: "guided", "advanced", and
> "default". That's my option.
> - Making it clear that the "default" path goes straight into Tails.
> That's more your option. But I thought that this was implied by
> "default".
> What's your opinion on this?

I like your wordings but I'm not sure defaults is clear enough.
Perhaps "launch with defaults configuration"? like the separation into
two groups as proposed by tchou.
