著者: Kill Your TV 日付: To: tails-dev 題目: [Tails-dev] Please pull new I2P packages (was: I2P & Tails 1.2
(0.9.15, browser, network-manager))
On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:02:24 +0000 (UTC)
Kill Your TV <killyourtv@???> wrote:
> 0.9.15
> ======
> The last day for checkins for I2P 0.9.15 is tomorrow, which means a
> new release is around the corner. Once the 0.9.15 packages are
> available I'll make a request to have these updated packages pulled
> into the Tails debian repo.
The packages of the new version are available at the normal location.
Please pull them into the Tails Debian repo for inclusion in Tails 1.2.
Note that my feature/7916-i2p_remove_ssl_outproxy[0] should also be
merged in order to undo a default setting added in 0.9.15.