[RSF] FW: On 25 September Orange Day engage artists everywhe…

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Szerző: pilar castel
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Tárgy: [RSF] FW: On 25 September Orange Day engage artists everywhere to end violence against women
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Subject: On 25 September Orange Day engage artists everywhere to end violence against women
From: saynotoviolence@???
To: pilarcastel@???
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:28:12 +0000

    On 25 September Orange Day engage artists everywhere to end violence against women


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Hello pilar,

25 September, #OrangeDay, is just around the corner! This month’s theme for action is all about engaging artists to end violence against women and girls. Check out the action plan!

Using various media, artists can call for an end to violence against women and girls and appeal to the hearts and minds of people. Music, drama, poetry, fiction and the visual arts are powerful tools in challenging stereotypes and changing attitudes. As change makers and influencers, artists are important partners for the UNiTE Campaign. In fact, many of them have already worked with us to say NO to violence against women! We want many more to join!


    On 25 September call on artists to join efforts to end violence against women through their chosen form of art!
    Host a film screening, art exhibition or musical concert to draw attention to the issue. Engage participants in a discussion around key issues of violence against women and girls in your community and how artists can be a powerful force for social change.
    Reach out to national and local artists – painters, actors, photographers, poets, dancers, musicians, actors – and invite them to participate or speak at the event. Discuss how you could develop a longer term partnership or local network of artists who are active on the issue.
    If you are an artist, speak out on the issue of violence against women and girls. Share messages and pictures of yourself wearing orange to raise awareness of the pandemic via social media.  Has the topic inspired you in your creative projects? Share your poetry, photographs, paintings and songs on the topic at facebook.com/SayNO.UNiTE and twitter.com/SayNO_UNiTE using the hashtag #OrangeDay. 
    Do you know of effective initiatives which utilize art as a tool for ending violence against women and girls? Share them at https://www.facebook.com/SayNO.UNiTE. 

And of course, don’t forget to wear something orange on 25 September and let the world know that YOU say NO to violence against women and girls!

Looking forward to oranging 25 September with you.

Urjasi Rudra

Say NO – UNiTE Team, UN Women

Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women

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