Re: [Tails-ux] Feedbacks from Fiodor [ was : greeter UX: adv…

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Autor: Alan
Datum: 2014-09-13 18:56 -000
To: tails-ux
Betreff: Re: [Tails-ux] Feedbacks from Fiodor [ was : greeter UX: advanced options ]
On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:30:11 +0000
sajolida@??? wrote:

> sajolida@??? wrote:
> >> You may want to split your greeter process in a way that for each
> >> step the user focuses on one choice using a smaller set of UI
> >> elements, currently in the first screen you have:
> >>
> >> - Three lists
> >> - Two switches
> >> - Four links
> >> - Three buttons
> >>
> >> A bit too many areas to focus your attention on.
> >>

We could have only one list with languages and consider that changing
the specific keyboard layout and locale is somehow an advanced option.
I'm not convinced it's better but that could be an option.


> > B. Even when there is a persistent volume, we could have first a
> > button saying "Enable persistence". And if clicked only, have the
> > password field and "read-only" option appear.
> I drafted mockups for that in the "web/layered-persistence-config"
> branch. Please review and merge.
> If you're not into Git, here are the two mockups:

With the original proposal I imagined that typing something in the
password box would automatically move the slider to enable
persistence. These new mockups implies that to enable persistence one
has first to click on the slider (or focus it with the keyboard) then
type the password. I'm not totally convinced *but* if there is an
agreement it's easier for new users I find it an acceptable compromise
